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The Goal Of Evolution

The Formation of Centres of Consciousness that become "Egos."

Through innumerable wanderings this general progress traces a clear,

unwavering line. Those capable of following evolution on the planes of

finer matter at once perceive, as it were, wide-spreading centres

forming in the sea of divine Essence, which is projected by the Logos

into the Universe. As the ages pass, these centres are sub-divided

more restricted centres, into clearer and clearer "blocks" in

which consciousness, that is, the faculty of receiving vibrations from

without, is gradually developed, and when this consciousness within

them reaches its limit, they begin to differentiate from their

surroundings, to feel the idea of the "I" spring up within them. From

that time, there is added to the power of receiving vibrations

consciously, that of generating them voluntarily; no longer are they

passive centres, but rather beings that have become capable of

receiving and giving freely, individualities recognising and affirming

themselves more day by day; "I's," who henceforth regard themselves as

separated from the rest of the Universe; this stage is that of the

Heresy of Separateness. Regarding this heresy, however, one may well

say: Felix culpa.

Fortunate error, indeed, for it is the condition, sine qua non of

future divinity, of salvation. It is self-consciousness; man is born;

man, the centre of evolution, set midway between the divine fragment

which is beginning and that which is ending its unfoldment, at the

turning point of the arc which leads the most elementary of the

various kingdoms of Nature to the most divine of Hierarchies. This

stage is a terrible one, because it is that which represents egoism,

i.e. combat, the cause of every evil that afflicts the world, but it

is a necessary evil, for there can be no individual wisdom, power,

and immortality without the formation of an "I." This ego is nothing

but the first shoot, or bud, of the individual soul; it is only one of

its first faculties; the finest show themselves subsequently. This bud

is to blossom into a sweet-smelling flower; love and compassion,

devotion, and self-sacrifice will come into manifestation, and the

"centre of consciousness," after passing through the primitive

stages--often called the elemental kingdoms--after being sheathed in

mineral, vegetable, and animal forms, after having thought, reasoned,

and willed in human forms and looked upon itself as separated from its

fellow-creatures, comes finally to understand that it is only a breath

of the spirit, momentarily clad in a frail garment of matter,

recognises its oneness with all and everything, passes into the

angelic state, is born as Christ and so ends as a finished, perfected

soul--a World-Saviour.

Such is the Goal of life, the wherefore of the Universes, the

explanation of these startling evolutions of souls in the various

worlds, the solution of the problem regarding the diversity in the

development of beings, the justification of Providence before the

blasphemy of the inequality of conditions.

